I am a malaysian yet i know nothing about Malaysia, I know Singapore but I am not a citizen nor a PR there. Its all due to education I came to Singapore since I was 5. Now I lost something that everyone should have that is sense of belonging.
Throughout my life the only thing I have been doing is trying to complete my education in Singapore in the shortest time. It had never been smooth for me going over the hurdles along the path. I get 198 for my Primary School Leaving Examination which is not good enough to get to a "good" school but luckily, I able to get into 4 years secondary education.
Then for my 'O' level my L1R5 is 23, L1R4 is 15 cannot get into JC but good enough to get into poly as many will say. But the sad news is that my English result is E8 can't get me to poly education. At the same time my student pass is going expired, so if I don't get a place in any institute I can't extend my student pass and I don't want to study ITE. So I to appeal to get into polytechnic, lucky again I got into Marine Engineering course in Singapore Polytechnic which is the only Polytechnic that offer this course, but the problem is I don't like it at all still I go with the flow. In the end, I made it into university. Now my university life start.
That is what I had been through. In the process I lost and gain a lot but the lost is seriously damaging my life. First I lost my father when I was 8, and I gain a lot of pities because of that.

During my primary school education I lost my word when people asked me how my mother support the family with no income, and I gain one of mine personalities that is being thrifty and real friends.
During my secondary school education I lost contact with my primary school friends, and I gain secondary school friends which bring color to my life.
During my polytechnic education I lost my emotion when facing other people and I gain somethings I don't want that is loneliness. When I get use to it, it has turned me into an anti-social guy.And my mindset now is to treat things indifferently.
Now being the 2rd semester of my university education, I had already lost faith in the knowledge I gain in my past education and confidence in myself, and I have gain fear in studying.
I got a few points to make before I state my answer that is life is given by parent, meaning is not. Meaning is given by life experience, true meaning is not. So what give you or me the meaning of life it is the passion that push you to live your to the fullest. Lastly my answer is I still searching for my passion of life.
Reading your writing makes me feel your life as real. It is really touching. I appreciate your hard working and I will also learn from you. Wish you a good luck!
Life is a story,though there are ups and downs the show has to go on... But take one comfort is that you are the story teller and you will decide how it should go... I admire you strength. All the best...
What would be the shape of life?i think it would be a circle. There is no straight line. Any point in a circle can be the highest point while any point could be the lowest point too...It depends on the way we think of it. A circle couldn't be said perfect if a line has never been drawn through these points. So, when we come to a downhill in our life, don't be discouraged as the uphill will appear soon.
Life is uncertain. It doesn't matter to let yourself being downhill for a while,but the important is you realize the fact and you wake up the next day and continue your new life. Let the pass as your experience and create your own future.
Best wishes to you.
Thanks for your excellent response to the assignment! This is very detailed, informative and "passionate."
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