Basically, the nature food chain cycle of living being start from plant, plant is then eaten by herbivore, herbivore is killed by carnivore, carnivore is killed by either a stronger carnivore or bacteria , then with the help from the bacteria plant get it nutrient from the dead carnivore. Again why is this been disturb by human?
In the past, we humans are just as wild as wolves, lions or dogs. The only instincts humans have are hunt and breed. As time past humans' brain ability grew stronger and develop new skill like starting a fire, create weapon and etc. Although, all other animals do evolve, they only grew stronger in their physical body to accommodate to the changing Environment.
Finally, in present, humans' brain has the ability to think and feel. It is because humans can think more complex things, they found ways to prolong life. Furthermore, it is because humans can feel and with their ability to think act as catalyst, they create emotion like love, kind, or even terror. Since emotion can classify as good and evil, for survive sake human enforce law to protect themselves from the evil emotion.
Therefore with law restriction, sane environmentalism is employ. If we remove all those factors human will just be ordinary animal and is part of nature, no special attention will be made in protecting them. We will not have any policy to employ to favor any beings, humans over nature or nature over humans.
We know that what is done cannot be undone. So we have to prevent rather that amend for the destruction made. Sane environmentalism is just utter rubbish point of view in showing the love of our nature. Most importantly, Greed is the greatest threat to all humans and nature. It is because of greed we want more land to better life, more food for better living and more money for better future.
In a nutshell, throw away our greed, humans and nature can coexist, there will be no priority over and beings.
(p.s. I know that greed also help human in moving forward. In the mean time it has cause too much trouble.)

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Thanks, Tsyr Harn, for this critical view and the detailed analysis.
Basically, I agree with your point: "Sane environmentalism is just utter rubbish point of view in showing the love of our nature. Most importantly, Greed is the greatest threat to all humans and nature. It is because of greed we want more land to better life, more food for better living and more money for better future."
In many cases, it is greed that motivates our species. If not for greed, we would not have such incredible discrepancies in wealth between the rich and the poor, no child would go to sleep hungry and less of our environment would be cast into ruin.
Still, the issue is very complex. Yes, I want to see more rainforest and fewer parched hillsides. I want to know that there are tigers and elephants forever in the forests. I want to be sure that the sea always has fish not just for human consumption but also for the sake of those species in their own right.
But to what extent can we close the door on development, on fishing and hunting, on logging and mining and the exploitation of other resources. That is the real issue: we need to achieve a balance. That's why a smart government, one that considers issues deeply and broadly, and not just for its own short term gain, is vital for every nation.
What do you think?
Wow this is a tough one. It is very hard to say.
if I view from the point for human living sake, it will be never ending on development,on fishing and hunting, on logging and mining and the exploitation of other resources. Until human can detach from the grip of nature.
If I view from the point for nature preserve, it will be all the thing mention have to stop now.
If I view from both human living and nature preserve, we just have to make sure we use the resources effectively, and reduce the rate of development growth. So that resource wouldn't deplete too fast.
Through, it will never happen cause of the high competitive world we living in.
For the time being, we human just step one little step backward for brighter future. And we living happily ever after haha:)
Balance is the key word... Though is hard, we did made some hard changes to our earth its time to do sometime else there would not be a place for our children
I think we must learn how to balance our life.No matter what,when the thing go extreme,there is a disaster. Not only our life,our mind, environment,politics, social etc are all equally important.
Balance is always the most important to everything,no matter to a person or the environment.
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